Results for 'David A. Ortiz Fierro'

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  1. Acento léxico en el cordón cordillerano de habla mapuche-pehuenche.David A. Ortiz Fierro Ortiz Fierro & Gastón F. Salamanca Gutiérrez - 2025 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (2).
    Este artículo describe la distribución del acento en palabras monomorfémicas elicitadas en cuatro zonas del cordón cordillerano de habla mapuche-pehuenche. Para ello, se analizaron las sílabas tónicas de palabras elicitadas a cuarenta y cuatro hablantes adultos bilingües de mapudungun-español. Se concluye lo siguiente: a) la acentuación del cordón cordillerano es mayoritariamente aguda; b) es posible establecer una relación entre el eje geográfico norte-sur y una disminución de la acentuación aguda; y c) la tendencia a que las sílabas pesadas atraigan el (...)
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    La estética de Kandinsky y el gnosticismo.David Alfonso Solís Nova & Valeria Burgos Ortiz - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (178).
    El presente artículo es un estudio teórico sobre las similitudes entre las doctrinas gnósticas, que florecieron alrededor del siglo ii de nuestra era, y el pensamiento estético del pintor ruso Vasili Kandinsky. El objetivo es analizar estos dos marcos de ideas filosóficas y espirituales para exponer sus similitudes y diferencias. De esta manera, se indagará si, pese a los siglos que las separan y la diferencia de contextos históricos que las rodean, pueden existir en los orígenes de ambas propuestas doctrinales (...)
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  3. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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  4. Recognizing Emotion in Music (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Six).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: How do we recognize distinct types of emotion in music?
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  5. Cognitive Penetration? (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Four).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: What counts as cognitive penetration?
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  6. Multi-Sensory Integration and Time (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Three).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: Does our representation of time provide and amodal framework for multi-sensory integration?
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  7. Philosophy/Psychology Collaboration (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Five).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: How can philosophers and psychologists most fruitfully collaborate?
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  8. Multimodal Associations (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Two).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: What are the origins of multimodal associations?
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    An Eye Tracking Study on the Perception and Comprehension of Unimodal and Bimodal Linguistic Inputs by Deaf Adolescents.Mastrantuono Eliana, Saldaña David & R. Rodríguez-Ortiz Isabel - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  10. Hylemorphic dualism.David S. Oderberg - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (2):70-99.
    To the extent that dualism is even taken to be a serious option in contemporary discussions of personal identity and the philosophy of mind, it is almost exclusively either Cartesian dualism or property dualism that is considered. The more traditional dualism defended by Aristotelians and Thomists, what I call hylemorphic dualism, has only received scattered attention. In this essay I set out the main lines of the hylemorphic dualist position, with particular reference to personal identity. First I argue that overemphasis (...)
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    No Detectable Electroencephalographic Activity After Clinical Declaration of Death Among Tibetan Buddhist Meditators in Apparent Tukdam, a Putative Postmortem Meditation State.Dylan T. Lott, Tenzin Yeshi, N. Norchung, Sonam Dolma, Nyima Tsering, Ngawang Jinpa, Tenzin Woser, Kunsang Dorjee, Tenzin Desel, Dan Fitch, Anna J. Finley, Robin Goldman, Ana Maria Ortiz Bernal, Rachele Ragazzi, Karthik Aroor, John Koger, Andy Francis, David M. Perlman, Joseph Wielgosz, David R. W. Bachhuber, Tsewang Tamdin, Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang, John D. Dunne, Antoine Lutz & Richard J. Davidson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent EEG studies on the early postmortem interval that suggest the persistence of electrophysiological coherence and connectivity in the brain of animals and humans reinforce the need for further investigation of the relationship between the brain’s activity and the dying process. Neuroscience is now in a position to empirically evaluate the extended process of dying and, more specifically, to investigate the possibility of brain activity following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory function. Under the direction of the Center for Healthy (...)
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  12.  16
    Mal tiempo en Bagdad: al-Ṭurṭūšī y el “eclipse” de 478/1085-1086.David J. Wasserstein - 2019 - Al-Qantara 40 (1):219.
    El artículo analiza un pasaje autobiográfico de la vida de al-Ṭurṭūšī (c. 451/1059-520/1126, o Ŷumādā al-awwal 525/abril de 1131) contenido en el Siyar A‘lām al-Nubalā’ de al-Ḏahabī (673/1274-748/1348). El texto informa sobre una notable serie de fenómenos meteorológicos acaecidos durante la visita de al-Ṭurṭūšī a Bagdad en 478/1085-86. Fierro interpretó la historia como la descripción de un eclipse y como el origen del cambio de al-Ṭurṭūšī hacia el ascetismo, paralela a una historia similar sobre el anterior Muḥammad Iḅn Waḍḍāḥ. (...)
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    E-Portfolio as a Support for Teaching Practice at the University of Guayaquil.Juan Carlos Vasco Delgado, Karla Maribel Ortiz Chimbo, Geovanny Francisco Ruiz Muñoz, Norma Verónica Romero Amores, Betty Azucena Macas Padilla & David Arturo Yépez González - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):213-219.
    This project seeks to highlight the benefits of the implementation and management of the teaching digital portfolio. In today's world full of technology and tools that facilitate daily activities, education and its various processes must also embrace the digital tools available and make them the basis for any innovation and improvement process. The teaching portfolio in physics has long been the means by which teachers have organized the processes, evidence, and other results of educational work. Nowadays, all that range of (...)
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    The Agony of Spanish Liberalism: From Revolution to Dictatorship, 1913–1923.David Ortiz - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (2):274-275.
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    An Exploratory Study on Mind Wandering, Metacognition, and Verbal Creativity in Chilean High School Students.David D. Preiss, Miguel Ibaceta, Dominga Ortiz, Héctor Carvacho & Valeska Grau - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  16. Ibn òHazm and the Jewish zindåiq.Maribel Fierro - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke, Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
  17. Metales Pesados: Disonancia, oximoron e hibridismo. El viaje etnográfico hacia una nueva tipología textual.Juan Manuel Fierro - 2000 - A Parte Rei 9:8.
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  18. The Influence of an Organisation’s Corporate Values on Employees Personal Buying Behaviour.Jesús Cambra-Fierro, Yolanda Polo-Redondo & Alan Wilson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):157-167.
    This article explores the influence that an organisation's corporate values have on employees' behaviour and values both within and outside the work environment. In particular, it focuses on the impact of these values on the personal buying behaviour of employees. The empirical research was undertaken within a case study organisation that produces wine in Spain and involved interviews with senior management, an analysis of company documentation, as well as group discussions with employees supported by an employee survey. The article argues (...)
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  19.  42
    Las genealogías de Abd al-Mu'min, primer califa almohade.Maribel Fierro - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):77-107.
    Los califas almohades afirmaron pertenecer a la tribu árabe de Qays cAylān por descendencia agnática. Qays cAylān no incluye a la tribu de Qurayš, con la que los mu'miníes afirmaban estar emparentados por línea materna. Según la doctrina clásica del califato, recogida por ejemplo por Ibn Hazm, los califas deben ser qurayšíes por línea paterna. En este artículo se analizan las ventajas que ofrecía a los califas mu'miníes esa ascendencia qaysí, de larga tradición entre las poblaciones beréberes del Norte de (...)
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  20.  29
    Defining Knowledge: Bridging Epistemology and Large Language Models.Constanza Fierro, Ruchira Dhar, Filippos Stamatiou, Anders Søgaard & Nicolas Garneau - 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2024.
    Knowledge claims are abundant in the literature on large language models (LLMs); but can we say that GPT-4 truly "knows" the Earth is round? To address this question, we review standard definitions of knowledge in epistemology and we formalize interpretations applicable to LLMs. In doing so, we identify inconsistencies and gaps in how current NLP research conceptualizes knowledge with respect to epistemological frameworks. Additionally, we conduct a survey of 100 professional philosophers and computer scientists to compare their preferences in knowledge (...)
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  21.  13
    The spectres of Andrés Bello in the Chilean academy.Francisco Durán del Fierro - 2024 - Cinta de Moebio 79:56-70.
    In Chile, the contemporary form of academic life is irreducible to neoliberalism. There are past experiences and discourses that continue to disrupt the daily routine, dynamics, intensity, and rhythm of academics. They manifest as various epistemological, ethical, institutional, technical, and political mechanisms that produce innumerable images, meanings, and practices. These experiences conflict with the affects and material realities of the neoliberalism. The entanglement of these experiences from the past and present is conflicting, as they attempt to ignore or repress each (...)
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  22. Elenchos y Eros: el caso de Sócrates y Agatón en SMP. 199C-201A.María Angélica Fierro - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 14:93-108.
    El propósito del presente trabajo es en primer término el relevamiento de los principales desarrollos conceptuales y argumentativos del elenchos entre Sócrates y Agatón en Smp. 199c-201a, y su relación con los desarrollos de la teoría erótica del discurso de Sócrates/Diotima que prologa. A este respecto nos concentraremos en analizar cómo se elabora allí la pregunta sobre la naturaleza de eros y se formulan, a modo de primera respuesta, afirmaciones sobre su carácter intencional, su carencia constitutiva en cuanto necesariamente inscripto (...)
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    An ‘ingenious system of practical contacts’: Historical origins and development of the Institute of Child Welfare Research at Columbia University's Teachers College.Catriel Fierro - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (1):56-86.
    During the first two decades of the 20th century, the expansion of private foundations and philanthropic initiatives in the United States converged with a comprehensive, nationwide agenda of progressive education and post-war social reconstruction that situated childhood at its core. From 1924 to 1928, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial was the main foundation behind the aggressive, systematic funding of the child development movement in North America. A pioneering institution, the Institute of Child Welfare Research, established in 1924 at Columbia's Teachers (...)
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  24. (1 other version)La política religiosa de 'Abd al-Raḥmān III (r. 300/912-350/961).Maribel Fierro - 2004 - Al-Qantara 25 (1):119-156.
    En este artículo se analizan tres aspectos de la política religiosa del primer califa omeya de al-Andalus: en primer lugar, la represión contra los batiníes que formó parte de la política califal anti-ismā'īlí y una de sus posibles consecuencias (el escaso número de quṣṣāṣ); en segundo lugar, los márgenes por los que se encauzó el pluralismo religioso sunní; en tercer lugar, hasta qué punto los ulemas estuvieron dispuestos a admitir la descalificación de los 'alies y fatimíes por parte de los (...)
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    Madinat al-Zahara', el paraíso y los fatimíes.Maribel Fierro - 2004 - Al-Qantara 25 (2):299-328.
    Las aleyas coránicas sobre el Paraíso (y en especial Corán, 55: 46-78), así como el Kitdb waJal-firdaws de 'Abd al-Malík b. IIabIb, nos permiten precisar mejor la interpretación "paradisíaca" de Madinat al-Zabrá' y dotarla de sentidos concretos, mostrando sus ventajas sobre otras posibles (aunque no deseebables). Se explica así no sólo la variedad, sino también la asimetría, de las decoraciones parietales del Salón de 'Abd al-Ralimán III, se da sentido a cómo pudieron surgir una serie de relatos en tomo a (...)
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    Manuscritos en Al-Andalus: El proyecto HATA (Historia de los Autores y Transmisores Andalusíes).Maribel Fierro - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):473-502.
    Presentación del proyecto Historia de los Autores y Transmisores Andalusíes, iniciado en 1988 con financiación del antiguo Instituto de Cooperación con el Mundo Árabe y llevado a cabo en el Departamento de Estudios Árabes. El objetivo del H.A.T.A. es ofrecer al investigador la información relativa a la producción intelectual andalusí contenida en las fuentes primarias, principales obras secundarias y catálogos de manuscritos. El material se organiza de acuerdo con las distintas disciplinas y dentro de cada disciplina la estructura es cronológica. (...)
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    Religious dissesion in al-Andalus: ways of exclusion and inclusion.Maribel Fierro - 2001 - Al-Qantara 22 (2):463-488.
    ¿Cuáles fueron los mecanismos mediante los cuales se llevó a cabo la exclusión de herejes, apóstatas e innovadores en una sociedad islámica pre-moderna como la andalusí? ¿Cuáles fueron los mecanismos o las estrategias mediante los cuales los acusados de here-jía o desviación religiosa lograron no ser excluidos de la comunidad o, en el caso de ser-lo, consiguieron la reincorporación a su medio social y religioso? Este artículo busca dar respuesta a estas preguntas, basándose en estudios previos sobre las acusaciones de (...)
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    Sobre la naturaleza del Éros platónico: ¿daímon o theós?María Angélica Fierro - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 28:157-189.
    Resumen: Mientras que en Banquete Platón presenta a Éros como un daímon metaxý, i.e. como una divinidad intermedia e intermediaria entre dioses y hombres, en Fedro lo caracteriza, en cambio, como un theós -un dios. Procuraremos mostrar aquí que esto no implica, sin embargo, un cambio doctrinal substancial sino que se trata de dos aproximaciones distintas pero complementarias respecto a la verdadera naturaleza de Éros. Según el Fedro, si bien éros puede permanecer en una expresión puramente física, sin desarrollar su (...)
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    Sobre los valores y los principios para la actuación de los servidores públicos.Ana Elena Fierro & Adonay Otero - 2018 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 18:7-26.
    Los servidores públicos no siempre actúan en función del interés de la comunidad a pesar de las amenazas y sanciones establecidas en el derecho; es necesario encontrar nuevas vías de actuación para resolver tan importante problema. En ese sentido, este artículo busca fundamentar los principios que deben regir la actuación de los mismos. Para ello, en primer lugar, se intenta establecer un método que permita la creación de estos principios, basándose en la teoría del valor de Luis Villoro y en (...)
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    Química y Tecnologías Químicas.José Luis García Fierro - 2000 - Arbor 166 (653):141-153.
    En esta contribución se hace una sencilla revisión de la química que se realiza en los Institutos del CSIC con la finalidad de obtener una idea general de su estado y de las posibilidades de evolución en un futuro cercano. Para una mejor comprensión de la situación actual, se hace imprescindible un acercamiento a la historia y ala génesis de los Institutos. El estudio comprende, en primer lugar, un examen de la dimensión del potencial de la química, para hacer después (...)
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    Introduction to the study of law.Fierro Alvídrez & Felipe de Jesús - 2018 - Bloomington, IN: Palibrio.
    In this important work, Dr. Felipe Fierro offers a comprehensive view on the subject of Introduction to the Study of Law, in which he revives the use of Gnoseology, Philosophy, History and Logic as Auxiliary Sciences; and exposes how the abandonment of such has contributed to the exponential growth of Skepticism and Relativism, currently prevailing in the legal world. The above, through extensive experience in teaching Law from the Aristotelian-Thomistic platform, based on the elementary assumption that we must first (...)
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  32. Sobre monedas de época almohade: I. El dinar del cadí 'Iyad que nunca existió. II. Cuándo se acuñaron las primeras monedas almohades y la cuestión de la licitud de acuñar moneda. [REVIEW]Maribel Fierro - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):457-476.
    Este artículo consta de dos partes. En la primera se corrige la lectura becba por F. Codera (y seguida por autores posteriores) de un dinar acuitado en Ceuta en 543H., corrección que demuestra que se trata de usa dinar antialmohade. En la segunda parte, siguiendo el trabajo pionero de 5. Fontenla, se analiza la cuestión de si tbn Titmart acuitó moneda, proponiendo una respuesta negativa a partir de una discusión sobre el siguificado del "mabdismo" del fundador del movimiento almohade. Una (...)
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    The University As Infrastructure of Becoming: Re-Activating Academic Freedom Through Humility in Times of Radical Uncertainty.Nicolas Zehner & Francisco Durán Del Fierro - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Traditionally, the field of science and technology studies (STS) considered the scientific laboratory as the central site of knowledge production and technological development. While providing rich analyses of the social construction of scientific knowledge and the role of non-human actors, STS scholars have often neglected the university – the very context in which laboratories themselves are embedded – as a relevant object of research. In this paper, we argue for re-introducing the university as a relevant category and object of analysis (...)
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  34. Las tres hipóstasis dentro del pensamiento de Plotino: El camino de la materia.Alejandro Vázquez Ortiz - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:3.
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    José Otero Espasandín. Un divulgador científico español en la Argentina.Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira - 2017 - Arbor 193 (785):408-408.
    José Otero Espasandín (1900-1987) was an important science popularizer in Argentina during the 1940´s, who belonged to the Misiones Pedagógicas (Educational Missions) group in Spain. This paper presents his biography and his work as a science and technology popularizer. It focused on his features, value and significance for that period.
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    La crítica de la ciencia en España después del 68.Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira - 2019 - Arbor 195 (794):531-531.
    Se analizan en este artículo una serie de revistas y libros, así como otro tipo de manifestaciones producidas en España en el período 1968-1976, que se refirieron a la denominada crítica de la ciencia. Este movimiento tuvo su mayor vigencia en los países occidentales en la década de los setenta del pasado siglo. El análisis muestra la presencia de esta crítica en diferentes medios, aun cuando se puede considerar que su relevancia fue relativamente minoritaria en el conjunto de la sociedad (...)
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    Waking from Dysconsciousness: Assessing Racism in Three University Classrooms.Connie Titone, Edward Fierros, Krista Malott, Matthew Simpson & Gregory LaLuna - 2014 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 24 (2):3-26.
    This research provides suggestions for identifying and addressing university students’ perceptions of systemic inequities related to racism and racial privilege.Suggestions are derived from findings of a confirmatory study conducted by the authors in three university classrooms. The project was motivated by theauthors’ on-going commitment to the struggle to eradicate racism and all of its deleterious effects, predicated on the early work of Dr. Joyce King and her conceptof dysconscious racism. The university students’ levels of dysconsciousness regarding systemic inequities related to (...)
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    Mundo cerrado, mundo abierto las estructuras del pensamiento moderno según Charles Taylor.Alejandra Fierro Valbuena - 2016 - Escritos 24 (52):141-160.
    La modernidad como época histórica, pero sobre todo como imaginario social, ha sido uno de los temas más estudiados de manera amplia por el pensador canadiense Charles Taylor. En este artículo se explora el concepto de Estructuras cerradas de mundo a través del cual el autor afirma que la modernidad se mueve en un marco de comprensión cerrado a la trascendencia y que dicho marco ha sido configurado desde el pensamiento filosófico como consecuencia de algunas posturas epistemológicas, éticas y antropológicas. (...)
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    Characterization of Cryosurgery Technique and Technology.Elio Villarreal, Cesar Fierro, Lorena Romero & Gladys Morales - 2022 - Minerva 3 (8):32-41.
    This document describes the technique and technology currently used to apply cryosurgery, a technic based on low temperatures for medical purposes that allows the controlled destruction of pathological cells and tissues. Cryosurgery is an effective and innocuous process that is painless, safe and economical, applied to multiple specialities in which it provides alternatives to its traditional methods. A search was carried out for articles and bibliographic reviews referring to Cryosurgery and from whose information this technical note was obtained. Research on (...)
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    Gloria Anzaldúa and the Problem of Violence against Women.John Kaiser Ortiz - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (2):195-213.
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  41. La muralla del sujeto: Percepción y lenguaje en Berkeley.Alejandro Vázquez Ortiz - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:3.
  42. La poesía y la identidad: relaciones entre filosofía y literatura.Alejandro Vázquez Ortiz - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:7.
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  43. Maria Gonzales Goolsby: UnionBank of the Philippines.Justo Aboitiz Ortiz - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2):29-32.
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    They Take Our Jobs! And 20 Other Myths About Immigration.John Kaiser Ortiz - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (4):409-411.
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  45. Beyond Welfare: Animal Integrity, Animal Dignity, and Genetic Engineering.Sara Elizabeth Gavrell Ortiz - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):94-120.
    Bernard Rollin argues that it is permissible to change an animal's telos through genetic engineering, if it doesn't harm the animal's welfare. Recent attempts to undermine his argument rely either on the claim that diminishing certain capacities always harms an animal's welfare or on the claim that it always violates an animal's integrity. I argue that these fail. However, respect for animal dignity provides a defeasible reason not to engineer an animal in a way that inhibits the development of those (...)
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    COVID-19 Health Passes: Practical and Ethical Issues.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):125-138.
    Several countries have implemented COVID-19 health passes or certificates to promote a safer return to in-person social activities. These passes have been proposed as a way to prove that someone has been vaccinated, has recovered from the disease, or has negative results on a diagnostic test. However, many people have questioned their ethical justification. This article presents some practical and ethical problems to consider in the event of wishing to implement these passes. Among the former, it is questioned how accurate (...)
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  47.  37
    Bioethics, globalization and pandemics.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2022 - Global Bioethics 33 (1):32-37.
    Bioethics should pay more attention to globalization and some of its consequences than it has done so far. The COVID-19 pandemic would not have been possible without globalization, which has also increased some of its negative consequences. Globalization has intensified wildlife trade in the world. One of the main hypotheses about the origin of this pandemic is that it originated in illegal forms of wildlife trade in China. In the last 30 or 40 years, there have been zoonotic outbreaks at (...)
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    The Road Not Taken. On Husserl's Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.Claire Ortiz Hill & Jairo Jose da Silva (eds.) - 2013 - College Publications.
    For different reasons, Husserl's original, thought-provoking ideas on the philosophy of logic and mathematics have been ignored, misunderstood, even despised, by analytic philosophers and phenomenologists alike, who have been content to barricade themselves behind walls of ideological prejudices. Yet, for several decades, Husserl was almost continuously in close professional and personal contact with those who created, reshaped and revolutionized 20th century philosophy of mathematics, logic, science and language in both the analytic and phenomenological schools, people whom those other makers of (...)
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    CHALMERS, DAVID J. Constructing the World, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 494 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico:436-438.
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    ODERBERG, DAVID S. (ED.), Classifying reality, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (UK), 2013, 130 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:200-203.
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